We who love the circus join together as a 501(c)(7) social organization in an organized effort to create interest in the circus as an institution.
We believe in the circus as an important part of the performing arts having great educational value.
We dedicate ourselves to making an organized effort to assist the circus industry.
We further dedicate ourselves to the preservation for future generations of this beloved institution known as the CIRCUS.
1925: Karl Kae Knecht, CFA’s first secretary’s account of the founding says that Stanley Dawson, a Ringling Barnum reserved seat ticket seller had the original idea that an association be formed. He mentioned Marshall King of Washington, D.C. was writing to other fans. Knecht then contacted King and was invited to come to Washington and discuss the matter. Another fan Dawson mentioned was Robert F. Johnson. King was a Washington banker and partner in King Brothers general Wholesale, Johnson was owner of a mill and a prominent citizen of Concord. Knecht and King talked it over and they contacted Johnson who was in agreement to form The Circus Fans Association. King’s secretary then wrote to many prospective members. It was decided that anyone who joined by Christmas 1925 and paid $5 dues would become a charter member of the Circus Fans Association. A total of 80 had joined by then.
The first temporary officers were Marshall King, president, Robert P. Johnson, vice president, Karl Kae Knecht, secretary-treasurer, and Stanley Dawson, recording secretary.
During the formative months and on until the first official publication began in May 1927 Knecht sent periodic bulletins or newsletters to the membership and beginning in December 1925 the Billboard carried a weekly column on CFA activities.
To bring together those who love the circus and to cement the friendships thus formed into an association to pursue a delightful and worthwhile interest; and...
To preserve the circus as an art form and entertainment institution by educating the general public through lectures, seminars, circus literature and publicity that truthfully portray the circus and its people; to promote goodwill between the public and all worthy circuses and circus people; and to oppose vigorously any publicity that tends to distort, misrepresent or give to the general public a false impression of an honorable and colorful institution; and...
To oppose actively all unjust or discriminatory legislation directed against the circus whether the same be local, state or federal; and...
To decline courteously to accept any favor offered or extended by any circus or its management that would not be extended to the general public and to observe faithfully our motto – “We Pay As We Go”; and...
To lend reasonable aid when and as requested by the representatives or management of any circus and cheerfully assist in overcoming any unfavorable
1926-2024. All Rights Reserved
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Mailing Address:
CFA Secretary / Treasurer
Cheri Stout
147 Pine Ridge Rd
Harriman, TN 37748
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