The National Circus Preservation Society


The National Circus Preservation Society is a (501(c)(3), non-profit corporation which is affiliated with the Circus Fans Association of America (CFA). It is a separate corporate entity; however, it shares officers with CFA and operates on the same fiscal year. Formed March 1980, the NCPS is a tax exempt organization, as the main purpose of the Society is primarily circus preservation for future generations through education. This means that any donations to NCPS may be subtracted from taxable income. According to its bylaws, the objectives of the Society are to develop, promote, and advance information and knowledge for a better understanding of the American Circuses; to encourage reasonable, practical legislation for the success of the American Circus; and to encourage reasonable and practical legislation, rules, and regulations which affect the health and well-being of circus animals. 

As an educational institution, its focus is on the instruction of the public on subjects of circus historical and current events. Examples of NCPS’s past and present contributions are providing circus educational material to students and the general public, as well as to the media. 

The membership is open to anyone interested in the circus; however, every member of CFA automatically belongs to the NCPS. Dues are incorporated into CFA dues along with voluntary, tax deductible contributions made directly to NCPS. 

In 2023, NCPS donated money to help restore the Walter L. Main circus train wreck site in Altoona, paid for all membership in the American Circus Alliance, and made quarterly donations to CFA earmarked for White Tops - all in keeping with the NCPS goals of promoting the America circus. Donations make this possible. 

Donations may be mailed to: (Make checks payable to NCPS)

Cheri Stout


NCPS Donation

147 Pine Ridge Rd

Harriman, TN 37748

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